Private and Distant Healing Services Offered


John Buchanan and Energetic Arts are dedicated to improving the quality of all aspects of your life. In addition to the host of classes offered by John Buchanan and Energetic Arts we also offer a wide variety of sessions both in person and at a distance. Whether your seeking assistance with:
Physical Issues such as dis-ease, illness, injury, allergies, stress, fatigue, etc.
Release of Blockages preventing you from achieving your goals in life (i.e. love, family, career, health. etc.)
Bringing Your Life Into Balance
Spiritual Growth
Emotional Issues such as depression, anger/rage, fears/phobias, self-esteem, self-confidence, etc.
Mental Issues such as "Mental Illness", focus, concentration, memory, etc.

or something not listed here, we can help. Through the integration of a multitude of powerful energetic healing arts, energy techniques, products, and an innate gift, John Buchanan is often able to bring about profound results in the quality of life for those people he works with.

Below you will find two separate links. The link on the left will lead you to the page that explains the various private sessions that are offered by John Buchanan and some of what is involved in them. The link on the left will lead you to our distant healing page. Here you will find information on the various distant healing services that are offered by Energetic Arts for those not able to see John for a private session.  As always, requests for energy to be sent for an emergency are welcome and gladly done at no cost! Simply send an email to with the name of the person and the situation.

All sessions both in person and at a distance include a complimentary consultation on how the implementation of the use of tachyon products could most benefit you, along with a free Advanced Tachyon Technologies catalog.


Private Sessions

Distant Healing Sessions


Energetic Arts Home Page

The Reiki Source by Energetic Arts

EMF Balancing Technique® Main Page

Coming Soon!!

Tachyon Energy

Private and Distant healing services offered!!

Schedule of Upcoming Trainings

A little information on John Buchanan

Read and Sign the Energetic Arts Guestbook

Book Recommendations

�1998 Lightworker Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
Karuna Reiki is a registered trademark of the Center for Reiki Training. Tera-Mai is a  registered trademark of Kathleen Milner. Urevia is a
registered trademark of Subtle Energies Inc..
EMF Balancing Technique is a registered trademark of Energy Extension Inc.